
React TimeProvider is open source and contributions are always welcome. In this document we'll cover some dependencies and installation process to get your local development environment up and running.

Submitting Issues

If you're having trouble please don't hesitate to open Issue here Issues are opened with an Issue Template, filling in the fields helps replicate and identify the problem.


react-time-provider uses MKDocs to generate documentation and is hosted on To document your changes you'll need to install MKDocs with:

pip install mkdocs

After which you'll be able to run:

mkdocs serve

From there you can edit the files in docs/ and should the the results served at


To develop for react-time-provider you'll need:


Navigate to the directory you'd like to clone react-time-provider and run:

git clone
cd react-time-provider
yarn link

The above code will clone the repo, install the required node_modules and link the module. Next navigation to your project's directory and run:

yarn link "@quiqupltd/react-time-provider"


Windows users, remember to configure your line endings with core.autocrlf. More info here

$ git config --global core.autocrlf true
# Configure Git on Windows to properly handle line endings